How do referrals work? AGLOCO™ pays you an hourly rate when the friends and family who you recruit use the web while using the Viewbar™ (they're called "direct referrals"), and for people your referrals recruit ('extended referrals'). Extended referrals continue for four levels past your original referral, and there is no limit to the number of referrals you can accumulate.
News Summerary
AGLOCO says that they “are crossing 20% activation and hope to exceed 50% by the end of the summer.” and they also said that “New verified Member signups are back near record levels and growing.” So as time goes on we should all see a steady increase in our hours from members in our networks that have finally downloaded and began to use the Viewbar. Regarding the Viewbar download, AGLOCO added a download mirror on to help ease the load on the AGLOCO servers.
As for the Viewbar’s ads AGLOCO also announced that they “have just reached an agreement to make major improvements toward increased Viewbar revenue”. They did not mention any specifics on what type of agreement and with whom, however these type of deals will further help AGLOCO and AGLOCO Members make more money in the end.
The AGLOCO ad servers are still having problems so they decided to make some changes so that things such as search, profile, and geographic targeting will work with the Viewbar. These changes should be in place in about 5-6 weeks.
Since AGLOCO Members live all over the world, AGLOCO’s new ad system will have a country specific system for advertisers to take advantage of. AGLOCO said that “At that point we will likely have to ask each Member for a language preference to make the advertisers aware. Keep in mind that it is very costly to support multiple languages (it’s easy to just display them, but language support includes full Member support, email communication, etc., in that language), so additional supported languages will probably not be forthcoming before that.”
Also announced by AGLOCO is that they will “have the ability for an AGLOCO online ad auction system like Google’s AdSense so advertisers will be able to buy Viewbar ads directly.” One idea that came to my mind after viewing this statement is that AGLOCO could potentially even allow us Members to instantly cash in our credited hours to buy an ad on the Viewbar. However if AGLOCO did do this then the prices and monitoring need to be good as to not allow the Viewbar to be cluttered with spam like some other adbars such as InstantBuzz.
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